Courses Offered

Abacus Classes

Abacus is an instrument, typical an open wooden rectangular shape with wooden beads on vertical rods, was invented some 2500 years ago. It is being used, since the ancient times for calculating numbers through basic arithmetic system. It has now been proven as a complete brain development tool over last two decades. By learning abacus, it makes one to understand maths easily. An abacus instrument allows performing basic operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, division. It can also carry out many operations like counting up to decimal places, calculating sums having negative numbers etc. Abacus learning at a very young age, is useful in activating the brains of kids.

Mrs. Ponni, B.Sc., B.Ed., a well-educated experienced maths teacher by profession teaches abacus in our Ideal Academy. She has completed learning all the grades in abacus, being completed her studies in mathematics. She has been conducting tuition classes for maths and abacus from many years in her house.

Courses Information

Details For All Lesson Type
Start Date Jan 15, 2018
Years Old 5-6 Years
Class Size 20-30 Kids
Course Staff 2 Teachers
Carry Time 5 Hours/6 Days
Coures Duration 10-12 Month
Class Time 9:30am-5:30pm
Tution Free $ 250.00